Rosół (Chicken Soup)

By Hanna D

January 22, 2022

Chicken noodle soup



1 whole chicken body without breasts and legs

4 large bay leaves

4 seeds allspice

1 larger onion

1 parsley root

2 larger carrots

1/4 medium celery root

1/3 leek stalk

parsley leaves, celery leaves (if you have any, available mostly in growing season)

ca. 1 1/2 tablespoon salt

ca. 1/2 tablespoon pepper


1. Cut away breast and whole legs from the chicken. Remove excess fat (large chunks under skin but not too many) and the entire croupion. Leave chicken wings on. Wash thoroughly, especially the inside. If you have the heart/kidney/stomach add them too!

2. Place chicken as prepared into a large pot and add 5 litres of water. Bring to a boil and just as it begins to boil, quickly turn down the heat to a simmer. After a few minutes the scum will start coming to the top. Gather slowly with a small strainer or spoon and thrown out. As it keeps coming out of the meat for a few minutes, repeat its removal until it doesn't come out anymore.

3. While you're waiting for the scum, cut the onion in half. Reserve one half. Tear the other half into its natural slices and place on a small amount of oil (I use virgin olive oil) in a pan and brown/burn slightly, turning over once.

4. Add all remaining ingredients to the chicken (after you've removed the scum): bay leaves and allspice, vegetables cut into ca 2" chunks, salt and pepper.

5. Bring to a boil and reduce right away. Simmer on very low heat (as much as it needs to barely bubble) for 2 hours.

6. Once ready remove the meat and vegetables (you can then remove the "good" meat from the chicken and use it elsewhere). Strain the remaining liquid to get as clear soup as possible.

7. Serve hot with noodles (homecooked best!)

8. Garnish with chopped green parsley leaves and carrot from the soup cooking diced into very small cubes.


Rosol CANNOT boil. Thus make sure to turn down quickly each time you need to bring it to the boil. If you boil it for even a few seconds too long, it may become less clear in the end. Be patient. Rosol takes time, if you shorten the cooking time, you'll get half the flavour! To make a "rosol krolewski" (royal version), add a piece ca 1/3lb of beef with a bone.

LAST UPDATED: January 22, 2022